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Christian & Jesse

  21.12.2012   Irene   Life Events, Portfolio   No comments

Sometimes I care about a couple and then when I get to film their wedding I totally fall in love with them. There was something so sincere and special about

Jery & Martina Wedding

  22.10.2012   Irene   Life Events, Portfolio   No comments

If Wes Anderson planned weddings I imagine they would be like this one. Everything about the day was purely magical. A wedding full of style, sentiment, and fun just like

Robert & Isa Wedding

  24.08.2012   Irene   Life Events, Portfolio   No comments

Rob and Isa are such a beautiful couple! They radiated love in the way they looked at each other and the care they gave their son. Their wedding was such

Jason & Taylor Wedding

This was the sun drenched day Jason and Taylor started a fresh adventure together. There were so many giddy and loving moments. It was an honor to capture it!

Shakin all over

  11.02.2012   Irene   Business, Portfolio   No comments

Shaking all over in Anibikinis